Exclusive Facebook Group

Join the IT Revolution Inner Circle Private Facebook Group.
How does it work?
The IT Revolution Inner Circle is a group for entrepreneurs to exchange ideas and bring value to others. I will be adding a monthly Masterclass based on a relevant topic or one that we can vote on as a community. This group runs under the ASK and GIVE model. You’re either asking for something (advice, feedback, an intro) or giving something (conference tickets, expertise, etc…), no outside “viral” content of any kind unless it’s been specifically discussed or requested by someone in the group (e.g.: a Ted Talk that addresses a specific request). There is plenty of those type of posts outside this group, and can easily dilute the intimacy of this environment.
Subscribe today and lock in your low monthly cost before it goes up.
Monthly Fee: $29.95 CAD
Once payment is received, you will be added to the group and the link will be sent to you. New members are added every Wednesday.